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About Us

Going the Extra Mile

About Us

Century Park Associates believes that success and reward are most often measured by commitment and extra effort.

Those who are willing to invest additional time and energy, who go beyond what is expected or required of them, are the ones who get ahead.

They distinguish themselves in their chosen careers and endear themselves to their fellow workers and to their customers.

Second-mile Principle

In the Sermon on the Mount in the Bible, Jesus said if someone forces you to go a mile, go with him two miles. Such a person does what is expected of him or her, plus some.

Every day, the team members of Century Park do what is required of them, but many choose to go beyond their job descriptions, exceeding expectations, on behalf of their residents. They have learned that those who go the extra mile receive rewards - happiness of heart and peace of mind.

Century Park provides another reward for those associates who go above and beyond - the opportunity to receive cash prizes for their dedication to service. The Going the Extra Mile campaign was implemented to reflect Century Park's commitment to excellence and to reward associates who go the extra mile.

Each Century Park community selects one associate each month who has demonstrated the Going the Extra Mile standard of customer service. The monthly winner at each community receives $100 in cash, a certificate and recognition on the Hall of Fame plaque. Subsequently, from the list of 12 monthly honorees, one is chosen as the annual winner at each center and receives $500 cash and a plaque. In addition, each annual winner is selected for competition at the regional level. Regional winners receive a cash award of $1,000 and a crystal award.

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