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Garden Plaza of Aurora hosts Abraham Lincoln event

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Garden Plaza of Aurora

John Voehl

On Feb. 19, 2019, Garden Plaza of Aurora hosted a special event for its residents. John Voehl, an Abraham Lincoln presenter and historian, visited the community to share the history of our 16th president. Voehl has been a Lincoln presenter for 22 years and provides historical and motivational talks to groups all over the country. He presented to nearly 40 residents at Garden Plaza in Lincoln’s signature look – a top hat and suit, providing an accurate portrayal of Honest Abe. 

“It was a great event,” said Helen Tekle, community relations director. “Voehl brought maps and even talked about the first 15 presidents that preceded him.” 

In his presentation, Voehl discussed major events in Lincoln’s life such as the Civil War, the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation. He even stayed after to answer any questions that residents had. Residents thoroughly enjoyed being able to learn more about President Lincoln and look forward to having him visit the community again soon!

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