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Century Park Blog

Garden Plaza and The Bridge at Inverrary implement safety bingo program for associates

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Century Park’s Garden Plaza and The Bridge at Inverrary are implementing a creative way to remind employees of the importance of an injury-free workplace.

All associates are invited to participate in safety bingo which began Jan. 23, 2019, with a $50 prize for the winner. The game’s purpose is to prevent accidents that lead to time off or medical treatment by a professional.

“This incentive will improve attendance and quality of service, as well as safety in the workplace,” said Junette Leo, assistant business office manager. “The safety bingo incentive program has proven to be successful and easy to implement if it is played well.”

The rules are as follows: 

  • Full-time, part-time and temporary employees are eligible to play.
  • Each day no accident or preventable injury occurs, human resources will draw a new bingo number shown in the breakroom for players to see.
  • Numbers will be drawn every Monday and Wednesday.
  • When an employee believes they have a bingo, they must notify their manager or supervisor, who will then contact human resources.
  • If no accident occurs, the prizes for the next game will increase by $50 each month until the prize reaches $300 and stay at that prize until there is an accident or a winner.
  • If an accident occurs, the game stops and a new game will begin the next week at $50.

 “Employees are as excited as I am,” said Leo. “I am looking forward to seeing how well this program will work for this year and many more to come.”


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