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Day in the Life

Century Park Blog

A Spark of Creativity - Nolen Kelly

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Nolen Kelly

When Nolen Kelly moved into The Bridge at Hickory Woods in Antioch, Tennessee, on April 10, 2015, he was only the 17th resident in the building. An electrician by trade and a maintenance manager before he retired, Kelly immediately found himself doing whatever he could to be helpful his fellow residents.

Noticed for his spark of passion to help others, Kelly was asked if he would be willing to take on the role of ambassador for The Bridge. He was happy to be of service. As ambassador, Kelly introduces himself to every new resident. He shows the new residents around the building, spending the time to introduce them to the other residents and help them make new friends at The Bridge.

Kelly is known to be a leader and always involved in the community at The Bridge, willing to step in and help with anything that may need done. Three days a week, Kelly leads an exercise class. In addition, he writes the daily activities on the marquee for everyone to stay informed about what’s happening around the community. He is particularly attentive to those newcomers he enjoys meeting so much, kindly encouraging them to take part in activities and events that are happening.

“I always enjoy helping others because it’s the Christian thing to do,” Kelly explained. “I feel good when the new residents feel comfortable and happy to be living here.”

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