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Active Aging Adds Life to Your Years

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Health Tips

Active Aging Adds Life to Your Years

You’re never too old for a challenge. Physically and mentally demanding activities do wonders for the health of people of all ages.

Research shows active lifestyles - keeping up strength, endurance, balance, and agility (mental and physical) - can lessen challenges associated with increased age.

Active aging tips

Active aging is not about forcing exercise or exercising excessively. The only rules for active aging is to stay active in body and mind as much as possible, to the best of your ability.

Review daily habits and find ways to increase time outdoors

  • An analysis of more than 100 studies found that greenspace is beneficial for mental andphysical health, whether you are exercising or simply enjoying the outdoors.
  • A simple walk around the block provides sunlight, fresh air, and opportunities to promote social skills that are good for your mental health and brain function.

Increase physical activity

  • No need to run a marathon; research shows even a slight increase in physicality has both mental and physical health benefits.


    Every conversation counts. Living longer can mean outliving friends and family. Studies show social interaction is essential to good health.

Active aging is the best way to age

Aging should not be a negative experience. There will be physical and financial limitations, but there are easy ways to make the most of it and be happy.

Life is not over when you reach a milestone birthday. Active aging is a strategy to keep youfeeling good year after year by filling your days with activities for your brain and body.

  • Physical activity is the movement of the body that requires muscle use and uses more energy than resting.
  • Mental activity is anything that keeps the mind active: reading, puzzles, following a new recipe, knitting, volunteering, learning a new skill, and so forth to help brain health.

Ask your health care provider about the best ways to support your well-being physically, emotionally, and socially. Talk to them about your goals and your idea of well-being. Active aging is highly individualized.

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