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Benefits of Connecting with Others

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Health Tips

Benefits of Connecting with Others

Socializing is a necessary part of being human. We often socialize with others in our own demographic or age group. But a multigenerational friend group can enrich our life and often help us feel younger and more energetic.

Here are a few benefits you receive from interacting across generations.

Enriched Perspective

Erik Erikson, renowned developmental psychologist, divided human emotional development into eight stages: Infancy (0-1 year), Early Childhood (1-3 years), Play Age (3-6 years), School Age (7-11 years), Adolescence (12-18 years), Early Adulthood (19-29 years), Middle Age (30-64 years) and Old Age (65 years+). The final stage “Old Age” involves looking back and reflecting on our accomplishments. By interacting with younger generations during this reflective period, we can broaden our perspectives and gain new knowledge.

Transferred Wisdom

Studies have shown that younger people can gain a variety of benefits from spending time with older generations. Older adults benefit from these interactions as well. Sharing with someone younger stories of what your childhood was like growing up gives benefit to that young person learning from your conversation and satisfaction for the older person sharing that bit of history with someone.

Prolonged Activity

Expanding your social circle will open up opportunities to diversify your activities. Younger generations can give ideas of how to spend your time and can boost your mood and activity level in the process. As a result, you will stay active longer.

Remaining Connected

It can be easy, especially after retirement, to begin to live in a bubble. Connections with younger generations can give you a new lease on life and a new reason to prioritize socialization. In return, your younger friends will get far deeper conversations than they would likely get in their own peer group.

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