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Day in the Life

Century Park Blog


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The calming smell of shoe polish wafted in the air as I smoothly brushed the black, pasty mixture on my small Mary Janes. The cold concrete steps of our front door felt soothing in the blistering South African sun. As I worked away polishing my only pair of school shoes, I noticed my friend across the street, Devi. Devi skipped joyfully with her pigtails flying in the wind. As I looked closer, Devi's maid Lena was busy shining Devi's school shoes, and all four pairs sat sparkling on her front porch. For one split second, my mind wondered, "Oh how wonderful it would be if that were me..."

Recently, I read a very sad story in The New York Times. It was the story of a family who through social media and with their friends and family painted a picture-perfect façade. From their clothing to their vacations, they appeared to have it all, but sadly, the pressure of maintaining that life led to tragedy. When business deals failed, and the flashy possessions were threatened with foreclosure and repossession, the father chose to take his own life rather than admit to his family that their luxurious lifestyle had all been a sham.

Many people wish their lives were different, and some make significant changes hoping that all the changes will bring happiness. For example, someone behind a desk or attending the same community for work each day yearns for a role where they could travel and see the country, meet interesting people, and eat in fancy restaurants. On the other hand, someone who travels for work may long for the consistency of waking up in their own bed, walking their children to school each morning, and enjoying the comforting smell of a homecooked meal.

A hit song from 2012 called "Let Her Go" says, "You only hate the road when you're missing home," and there is much truth in that sentiment. The Bible says in Philippians 4:12, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation." If only we could all get to this place in our lives. We'd feel less dissatisfied and more grateful for what we have and what we have achieved.

When thinking of contentment and what it involves, think of the word "content." Every book has a Table of Contents which reveals what is inside that book. True contentment starts with what's inside us, not from our situation or possessions. The lack of contentment with oneself, one's personal life, or one's work can lead to discouragement, depression, and, ultimately, tragedy. Contentment by definition is "a state of happiness and satisfaction." But, most importantly, it is the result of our daily choices. Having dreams is important to our futures; however, we must never forget that the present is filled with magical moments of happiness that prepare us for our dreams. What if the present is the dream that we fail to recognize and realize?

I am older now, and still the smell of shoe polish takes me back to those beautiful elementary school days. It was a time when I learned the importance of shining my own shoes – and being grateful for the pair I had.

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