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Day in the Life

Century Park Blog

Happy Nurses Week!

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Health Tips

Happy Nurses Week!

While every day is a great day to celebrate nurses, during National Nurses Week, we want to share gratitude for all nurses who continue to inspire us with their compassion, courage, and empathy.

How families and friends can support the nurses in their life

  • Offer a listening ear. Understand how best to celebrate them by asking them how they are doing.
  • Write encouraging notes. Send them off to work with an uplifting message.
  • Cheers to the nurses. Plan a celebratory night out with friends.
  • Take something off their plate. This could be as small as taking on extra chores around the house.
  • Prep a special meal. Cook a homemade meal they can take to work or order their favorite food during their break.

How facilities can give back

  • Listen to your nurses. Find ways to show support such as flexible scheduling and prioritizing time off requests.
  • Support career growth. Host a professional development seminar for your employees and empower nurses to take on leadership roles.

How patients can give thanks

  • Write a thank you note. Show how much you appreciate your nurses with a handwritten card.
  • Give them a gift card or bring them a sweet treat. Pick up goodies from a local bakery or coffee shop.

How nurses can celebrate each other

  • Be each other’s cheerleader. This can be as easy as writing a quick post-it and leaving it on someone’s desk.
  • Be an ally. Connect with nurses who are new to the field to see how they are doing.

And if you are a nurse reading this, take a moment to celebrate yourself!

  • Make time for your hobbies. Take time to dance, run, bake, read or whatever you love.
  • Reflect on your impact. Take time to recognize everything you have accomplished.
  • Set goals. Thank about what’s ahead and map out your future.
  • Take a walk. Take some time in the day for some sun during your break.
  • After a long day, spend some time with a self-care routine. Do a face mask or take a restorative bath...treat yourself to a spa day!

Between the small moments, daily routines and life-changing milestones, nurses work hard to take care of us. To all the nurses, we cannot thank you enough. Enjoy National Nurses Week!

CareRev. (2023, April 10). Happy Nurses Week: 23 Ways to Celebrate Nurses in 2023. CareRev Blog.

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