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Key Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Older Adults

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Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) is a blend of mental, physical, and psychological exercises to enable patients to perform everyday activities. These tasks include basic activities such as driving, getting dressed, eating, and even walking! No two patients are the same. As a result, the behavior and exercises of the therapist change, depending on the patient’s needs.

Below are the key benefits of occupational therapy for seniors:

  • KEEPS ARTHRITIS AT BAY: With a few well-advised and relevant modifications to the home and workplace, occupational therapists can help seniors tackle arthritis and continue performing their tasks normally.
  • INCREASES MOVEMENT RANGE: One of the more common and helpful techniques used by therapists is “range of motion” (ROM) exercises. ROM exercises do exactly what the name suggests: increase the patient’s range of motion while decreasing pain and stiffness. This is particularly helpful with seniors who have worn out their ligaments, have stiff joints, or are ailed by arthritis.
  • IMPROVES VISION: OT can help older adults with eye-conditions such as double vision, lazy eye, balance, dizziness, strabismus, and reading. The therapist starts by identifying whether the damage is repairable or not, after which they give the patient treatments tailored to their needs.
  • BOOSTS MEMORY & COGNITIVE SKILLS: With age, it is common for the brain cells to deteriorate, leading to forgetfulness or dementia in severe cases. OT can help patients retain and sharpen their memory and cognitive skills at any stage of memory loss. However, the earlier the treatment begins, the better. Solving crossword puzzles and reading books are prime examples of cognitive exercises.
  • HELPS COPING WITH CHRONIC PAIN: Chronic pain can result in loss of empowerment and control over daily activities. Occupational therapists use managed approaches to provide patients with adaptive ways of going about their daily tasks.

Occupational therapists are dedicated to helping older patients get their independence back. Reach out to your local health provider on how occupational therapy can benefit you!

“Key Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Older Adults.” PT Solutions Blog 5 December 2018,

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