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Day in the Life

Century Park Blog

Sit Before you Serve

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Sit Before you Serve

There is a story in the Bible that really touches my heart every time I read it. It's a story about two sisters, Mary and Martha. They were filled with joy and excitement that their friend Jesus was coming to visit. When their friend arrived, Martha immediately went to work in the kitchen; she wanted everything to be perfect and did not stop working and serving until she realized that her sister Mary was not helping alongside her. The realization made Martha so angry that she urged her guest, Jesus, to talk to her sister because Mary was spending all her time with Jesus rather than helping with dinner preparations. Jesus responded by telling Martha that Mary had "chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Our industry is founded on the principle of service which means giving of ourselves to benefit the needs of another. Many times, we find ourselves in the habit of giving and serving to the point that there is seldom time to sit. Often, we are uncomfortable with sitting because this entails silence. The silence of the phone may be interpreted by some that they are not needed; sometimes our "friends" on social media may seem to have fallen silent, as well as others with whom we interact every day. These "silences" can serve as reminders to us of what's most important — our calling to serve others intentionally and authentically.

Mary and Martha's friend Jesus said it best, "sitting is better" than busyness. It is through sitting in silence that we give our mind its due, and during these times, our creativity is nourished to allow us to dream and to respond to life with clarity. It is also through sitting and reflecting that we work through the voices clamoring for our attention, and we are able to strengthen our own voice. It is in those "sitting" moments that we cultivate resilience and courage. And it is through those moments that we learn to drown out the voices of doubt and negativity and believe in our own abilities. Through my sitting moments, I repeat positive affirmation statements: I reflect, I pray, and I meditate on good things. And it is through those moments that I am filled.

We are all entering a beautiful holiday season of gratitude and giving, and through this season there will be many people who need our kindness, our bravery, and our selfless acts of service. We hope that you serve others well. But always remember that you can't pour from an empty cup. As this season begins, my hope is that we all take time to sit and remember that quiet reflection may be "better" for us, and the time we invest in sitting is an investment into our own well-being and can never be taken away from us. It will help us serve others more effectively, as well as helping us to "refill our own cup."

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