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Tips for De-Stressing on National Relaxation Day

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Health Tips

Tips for De-Stressing on National Relaxation Day

National Relaxation Day was created in 1985 by a 9-year-old Michigan boy who believed people "think too much about working" and that "people don’t think enough about relaxing." For almost 40 years, August 15th has marked this celebration of leisure. However, relaxation is more than just fun; it is fundamental to your overall wellbeing.

Taking a step away from the demands of your everyday life can have a profoundly positive effect on your mood, energy and stability. The Mayo Clinic suggests regularly engaging in a relaxing activity as one of their six top strategies for avoiding job burnout, one of the most common and most difficult mental health struggles that working people face.

Limiting your stress through practicing intentional relaxation can:

  • Help manage your blood pressure
  • Help you fall asleep more easily
  • Avoid stress-related afflictions like ulcers
  • Have a decreased likelihood of smoking or obesity
  • Improve your immune system

Three tips to help you actively de-stress

Getting to a relaxed state of mind isn’t something that just happens to you. Learning to appreciate relaxation can actually take a little bit of work. These three tips will make that effort easier and help you incorporate de-stressing techniques into your daily routine.

1. Remember that relaxation is me-time

Me-time doesn’t mean you have to be alone. Me-time is more about why you are doing something rather that just who you’re doing it with. However you choose to relax, make sure you’re pursuing that activity purely for your own enjoyment.

2. Go in with a plan

Thinking forward to your free time, consider some methods for relaxing that you might enjoy. This will help you take full advantage of the moment when it arrives.

3. Join a community that will help you relax year-round

Who you choose to relax with is just as important as the activity you pursue. Often, friendships and relaxation go hand-in-hand. Finding groups to share your hobbies and socialize with will help you achieve a relaxed state of mind more frequently.

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